HOMER | “源网荷储一体化”系统分析软件
HOMER 软件 – 值得信赖的混合动力系统建模全球标准
探索远程电力系统、混合电网和孤岛公用事业的最低成本解决方案 | 降低能源成本并提高并网设施和电动汽车充电站的弹性 | 无论是否有太阳能或风能,最大化公用事业规模储能系统的回报 |
HOMER Pro详细信息 | HOMER Grid详细信息 | HOMER Front详细信息 |
让HOMER 解决方案经过验证的强大功能为您服务!
所有的 HOMER 软件产品都构建在可靠的、市场领先的 HOMER 平台之上,该平台被 190 多个国家的超过 25 万系统设计师和开发者使用。凭借数十年的经验,我们提供最强大、最准确的解决方案,以帮助混合电力系统在技术上达到最优并实现最大的成本效益。 |
“We are amazed at both the thoroughness of the software and the design complexity that it allows us to relatively quickly evaluate. To our knowledge, there is no other software on the market that matches HOMER for the purpose of designing renewable energy systems.”
Lisa Michael
Renewable Energy Systems, Anchorage, Alaska, USA
“Your program is amazing and I love it.”
Michael Elliott
Southwest Windpower, USA
“When we talk to prospective customers about microgrids, they have always already used HOMER.”
Juergen Zimmerman
ABB Australia
“We recommend HOMER to everyone. There is nothing else out there that does what it does.”
Anders Pedersen
World Bank
“We use HOMER for all of the tender packages we distribute and require that project proposals include their HOMER model.”
David Edwards
Horizon Power, Australia
“We spent a lot of money developing our own model, but threw it away because everyone kept asking for our HOMER results.”
Bruce Levy, CEO
TDX Power, USA
“HOMER has become a staple in our program's integrated energy planning course.”
Martin Obermaier
Energy Planning Program, COPPE-UFRJ, Brazil
“The best hourly assessment tool for hybrid renewable electric generation systems in the world – bar none.”
Dr. Jan F. Kreider
Building Systems Program, University of Colorado, USA
“I have been using HOMER, Legacy version and now Pro, for the better part of two years. Its GUI is powerful, sleek, and has a great balance between flexibility and simplicity. I’ve been trying to spread the word, as I do think it’s the best software that I know of.”
Steve Jenks
NJ TransitGrid, USA
“Everbody I know who is working with HOMER is amazed.”
Michael Tittmann
Tittmann Solar GmbH, Germany